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Bill Cosby Retrial: Day-by-day updates

Follow along for the latest developments and recent coverage in Bill Cosby's second sexual-assault trial, scheduled to begin April 9 in Norristown.

Bill Cosby and Andrea Constand
Bill Cosby and Andrea ConstandRead moreMICHAEL BRYANT / Staff Photographer

Bill Cosby's retrial on sexual-assault charges, the second courtroom showdown between the 80-year-old entertainer and Andrea Constand, one of the first women to publicly accuse him, was no simple repeat of the first. From the defense efforts to paint Constand as a gold-digging opportunist to the testimony of  five additional Cosby accusers who were called as prosecution witnesses, here's everything you need to know about the case. Below are day-by-day recaps of the trial that ended with Cosby's conviction.



Day 14, April 26:  The jury found Cosby guilty of all three counts of aggravated indecent assault, marking the first celebrity criminal conviction of the #MeToo era. Cosby lashed out at the district attorney, calling him an "asshole," and the judge ordered Cosby to stay at his home in Cheltenham until his sentencing. His lawyers vowed to appeal the case, while prosecutors praised Constand for her courage. (READ MORE: Bill Cosby guilty in sex assault trial)

Day 13, April 25: A jury of seven men and five women began deliberating Bill Cosby's fate in his sexual-assault retrial Wednesday. By the time they went back to their hotel for the night after 10 hours of work, the jurors had asked several questions of the judge. The first, less than two hours into deliberations: "What is the legal definition of consent?" (READ MORE: Jury deliberations end for the first day in Bill Cosby retrial)

Day 12, April 24: Prosecutors lashed into Bill Cosby in their final pitch to jurors, painting him as a serial sexual predator who hid for decades behind his reputation as "America's Dad" to lure unsuspecting young women into situations where they were powerless to resist his advances. And they responded contemptuously to what they described as "utterly shameful" and "filthy" efforts by Cosby's lawyers to tear down the six women who testified against the 80-year-old entertainer at trial. The defense likened their client's legal woes to a "lynching" and dismissed outright the #MeToo movement whose shadow has loomed large over the proceedings. (READ MORE: Bill Cosby prosecutors: This is why sexual assault victims don't report this crime ALSO: Maria Panaritis: In Cosby trial closing, a putrid attack on accusers is bad news for #metoo)

Day 11, April 23: Bill Cosby's defense rested its case Monday after calling 10 witnesses over four days to suggest that Andrea Constand fabricated her sex-assault allegations to get Cosby's money and that the entertainer was not even at his Cheltenham home around the time she said he drugged and attacked her there. The 80-year-old entertainer chose not to take the witness stand in his own behalf, paving the way for lawyers on both sides to deliver closing arguments Tuesday. (READ MORE: Bill Cosby's lawyers close their case; closing arguments to start Tuesday)

The set-up: She has not attended her husband's retrial on sexual assault charges. She is not on the list of witnesses. Her name has not even been uttered in the courtroom. But Camille Cosby remains a central figure in the case. Cosby's wife of 54 years is active behind the scenes, communicating with her husband's publicist and keeping up with the case. She has stood by him since 2014, when women began to publicly accuse Cosby of sexual misconduct. When the first trial ended with a jury deadlock in June, she issued a searing attack on the judge and district attorney that a spokeswoman read to dozens of reporters. And her presence has loomed in occasional, if not uncomfortable, references to Bill Cosby's marital status and infidelity — comments inside and outside the courtroom by witnesses, the lawyers, and even Cosby's own publicist. (READ MORE: Bill Cosby's wife is not at his trial. But Camille Cosby's presence looms)


Day 10, April 20: Bill Cosby's lawyers shifted focus at his retrial Friday, hoping to convince jurors that it was impossible for his 2004 sexual encounter with accuser Andrea Constand to have occurred when she says it did and to prove that it falls outside the state's statute of limitations for sex crimes. (READ MORE: As Bill Cosby trial winds down, defense shifts focus toward aiming to prove he was out of town)

Day 9, April 19: Jurors heard conflicting testimony from two toxicologists, one called by each side in Bill Cosby's sex assault retrial. The prosecution's expert said Andrea Constand could have felt weak and woozy, with blurred vision and a dry mouth, as quickly as 10 to 15 minutes after taking pills that Cosby gave her. The expert called by Cosby's defense team said she couldn't have felt those symptoms so quickly or severely from the Benadryl that Cosby said he gave her. It will be left to the jurors — who could get the case early next week — to determine which expert to believe, if either. (READ MORE: At Bill Cosby trial, drug experts offer conflicting opinions)

Day 8, April 18: She's the one person defense lawyers hope can single-handedly sink the sexual-assault case against Bill Cosby. And as she testified for the first time Wednesday, Marguerite Jackson quickly got to the point. The Temple University academic adviser recalled a conversation she said she had with Andrea Constand in 2004 — one in which she said Cosby's chief accuser spoke of fabricating her abuse claims to extort a celebrity. (READ MORE: Bill Cosby's star witness: Constand said she could frame celebrity to 'get money')

Day 7, April 17: Prosecutors barreled toward the conclusion of their case against Bill Cosby on Tuesday, presenting testimony from a series of investigators and the 80-year-old entertainer's own words about his 2004 sexual encounter with Andrea ConstandCosby's statements — from a 2005 interview he gave to police and a deposition later that year — weren't new to followers of his first sexual assault trial, which ended with a hung jury in June. But for jurors, the transcripts read aloud by detectives late Tuesday were likely the only chance they will have to hear from the defendant before they are charged with deciding his fate. Cosby is not expected to testify as part of his defense. (READ MORE: Using Bill Cosby's own words, prosecutors near end of their case against comedy icon)

Day 6, April 16: Cosby's lawyer, Tom Mesereau, harangued, challenged, quizzed and needled Constand for a second day of cross-examination, and throughout, the lawyer's questioning seemed designed less to elicit answers from Constand than to speak directly to jurors. Constand largely stood firm, but how well the defense lawyer's tactic was able to expose cracks in her story will be key to the Cosby team's ability to win an acquittal in the case. (READ MORE: Constand denies defense claims that she plotted to extort Cosby)

The set-up: The first week of Cosby's retrial was packed with headline-grabbing variations from the court fight last year. But one of the prosecutors' more subtle strategy shifts could be the one that pays the greatest dividends. Before parading a string of new accusers to the witness stand in Norristown, Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele chose to kick off his case with a forensic psychiatrist who spent an hour on the witness stand dispelling common cultural misconceptions on how sexual-assault victims ought to react to their abuse. It was a master class for understanding the #MeToo moment that has pervaded the wider culture since Cosby's last trial. Critically, the psychiatrist's testimony seemed designed to lay down a defensive perimeter and preemptively blunt the attacks Cosby's lawyers would lob at the accusers called to the stand throughout the week. (READ FIRST: At Bill Cosby trial, a #MeToo master class set the stage for prosecutors)


Day 5, April 13: Opening what could be the most critical point of the trial yet, Andrea Constand, the woman Cosby is on trial for allegedly assaulting, took the witness stand. For nearly eight hours, she recounted the allegations she first lodged against the comedy icon in 2005. It was clear from the start that  prosecutors were attempting to get  in front of the expected attacks from Cosby's lawyers, who have painted Constand as a gold-digging opportunist in the run up to the trial. "Ms. Constand, why are you here?" Constand was asked at one point. She replied: "For justice." (READ MORE: Bill Cosby's lawyer tries to rattle Constand as she takes the stand 'for justice')

Day 4, April 12: In the pantheon of Cosby's more than 60 accusers, there may be no better-known name than hers. And as former supermodel Janice Dickinson — better known these days for her late career turns on shows like America's Next Top Model and Celebrity Rehab — testified in the 80-year-old entertainer's sexual assault retrial, she brought that reality TV-honed pugnacity with her. Dickinson and and defense lawyer Tom Mesereau traded barbs in an electric cross-examination over her allegation that Cosby drugged and raped her at a hotel in Lake Tahoe in 1982. The day also saw testimony from the fifth and final additional accuser to take the stand, schoolteacher and former model Lise-Lotte Lublin. (READ MORE: Model Janice Dickinson, Bill Cosby's most famous accuser, takes the witness stand at trial)

Day 3, April 11: One woman said she came to testify because "I want to see a serial rapist convicted." Another, after recounting alleged abuse from three decades ago, interrupted the judge to turn toward the 80-year-old entertainer and say, "You remember, don't you, Mr. Cosby?" A third lashed out at a defense lawyer: "If you want to twist my words around to say that I was never raped, then you are incorrect, sir." Bill Cosby is not on trial for sexually assaulting any of them, but the three women called to the witness stand Wednesday took full advantage of their chance to finally confront him across a courtroom. (READ MORE: 'You remember, don't you, Mr. Cosby?' Three accusers confront comedy icon in court)

Day 2, April 10: The first of six women expected to testify that Bill Cosby drugged and assaulted them told jurors that she initially blamed herself for her alleged attack and that she was too ashamed to tell anyone at the time. The testimony from Heidi Thomas, a 58-year-old mother and music teacher from Castle Rock, Colo., set the stage for the string of other women Montgomery County prosecutors intend to call as witnesses over the next several days. It came on the same day that Cosby's lead defense attorney Tom Mesereau delivered his opening pitch to the jury. His blistering attack on Constand, in which he called her a "con artist" and "so-called victim," marked a stark departure from the approach Cosby's defense team took in his first trial. (READ MORE: Cosby accuser testifies she blamed herself for alleged assault during Reno acting lesson)

Day 1, April 9: All three rings of the Cosby case circus were active on the trial's first day as opening statements were delayed by a last-minute attempt to boot a juror, District Attorney Kevin Steele revealed for the first time the sum Cosby paid Constand in 2005, and a topless protester — a former "The Cosby Show" guest star — charged at the 80-year-old entertainer as he entered the courthouse in Norristown. (READ MORE: Bill Cosby paid Andrea Constand $3.4 million to settle 2005 lawsuit over assault, prosecutor says)

The set-up: Tom Mesereau, the man who will defend Cosby as his second sexual assault trial begins Monday in Norristown is known as one of Hollywood's most sought-after legal aces, with a string of seemingly improbable courtroom victories and a client list that has included Michael Jackson, Mike Tyson, and actor Robert Blake. While he does not quite fit the stereotype of a Hollywood defense lawyer, it's hard to argue with his results. (READ MORE: Who is Tom Mesereau? As Bill Cosby's retrial opens meet his Hollywood lawyer)


Day 4, April 5: Prosecutors and Cosby's defense team completed jury selection, choosing the six alternates. But both sides appeared more relaxed as they chose the men and women who will only participate in deliberations if one of the original 12 panelists is removed. One man who made the cut said he couldn't guarantee that he would not be influenced by what he already had heard about the case, and a middle-aged white woman said she thought Cosby was guilty. Meanwhile, a Philadelphia judge tossed a defamation suit filed against Constand by former Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. (READ MORE: Judge dismisses former DA's lawsuit against Cosby accuser Andrea Constand)

Day 3, April 4: The panel that will decide Bill Cosby's fate was cemented, as lawyers completed a three-day search for 12 Montgomery County residents who hadn't already made up their minds about the case. In the end, all but one member of the new panel said they were at least somewhat familiar with the sexual-assault allegations at the center of the case. Some even said they had heard that a previous set of 12 jurors had been unable to reach a unanimous verdict, a deadlock that prompted a mistrial last year. (READ MORE: Bill Cosby jury selected: 7 men, 5 women)

Day 2, April 3: In a flurry of last-minute rulings, Judge Steven T. O'Neill said he would let Cosby's defense team disclose in court details of a confidential 2006 legal settlement between Constand and the entertainer – including how much he paid her to resolve a sexual-assault civil suit she had filed the year before. Both sides had agreed during Cosby's trial last June to keep the details of that suit out of court. Meanwhile, jury selection continued with seven Montgomery County residents selected for the panel. (READ MORE: Bill Cosby's payout to Andrea Constand will be revealed at trial, judge rules)

Day 1, April 2: More than half of those summoned on the first day of jury selection for Cosby's second sexual-assault trial said they already had made up their minds about the case. And as lawyers began the slow process of winnowing that group to the panel that ultimately would decide Cosby's fate, it became clear that they may be facing an arduous task. (READ MORE: More than half of possible jurors in Bill Cosby retrial say they've already made up their minds)

The setup: Cosby returns to Norristown with new lawyers and an aggressive new defense strategy that seeks to paint Constand, 44, as a gold-digging opportunist who they say once told a confidant of a plot to extort money from the entertainer. Prosecutors also have bolstered their case, adding planned testimony from five additional accusers including former supermodel Janice Dickinson. And as the proceedings — which are expected to last about a month — get underway, even Judge Steven T. O'Neill said he is not quite sure what to expect. (READ MORE: As Bill Cosby's second trial begins, what's different this time?)

The last trial: Cosby's first trial ended in a hung jury and a mistrial in June, when jurors reported that they were hopelessly deadlocked and could not reach a verdict. The outcome set up the retrial set to play out this month, nearly a year after the first proceedings. (READ MORE: Cosby's only criminal sex-assault case ends in hung jury, mistrial | Day-by-day updates on the first trial)

Keep up with every development in Bill Cosby's case with our day-by-day recaps, timeline, and explainer on everything you need to know about the case and its major players.